Benji Weatherly – ‘Life As a Movie’

I’m sure this is not exactly new, but it is the first time I have seen this trailer. Benji Weatherly, who we got to chat to in issue 9, has got together with all his mates to make what I guess is a lifestyle film. Basically he grabbed a bunch …

by Chris

Billabong’s Stock is Up!

It’s a good news week for Billabong. For those of you keeping an eye on the industry/buisness side of boardsports, you will be interested to hear that despite the gloomy economy, Billabong has managed to buck the trend and keep its fortunes up. The Australian is reporting that “Billabong has …

by Dave

Hurley Hires Bar Rafaeli

First up, apologies for the ‘blokey’ post but in what is, in my expert opinion, one of the great marketing decisions made in the boardsports industry, Hurley have aparently hired the Israli Supermodel, Bar Rafaeli, to be the ‘face’ of the brand… Bar is the current squeeze of actor turned …

by Dave

Issue 10 On The Way!

Well it’s taken long enough, but issue 10 is done. Shit be happening! Oh and how does two Robbie Walker covers sound?! I figured it’s his year, we’re premiering ‘These Days’ in September (dates and information coming soon) and I couldn’t decide which photo I liked better… So two covers …

by Rick

Mylestone Site Launches

Victorian based apparel label, Mylestone, have launched their website (click here to check it out) and although light on content at the moment, I’m assured that there will be more up there soon. Myles Maddock, founder of Mylestone, has been working hard on this for a few months now and …

by Dave

Rip Curl Pro Search ‘Somewhere’

Turns out the ‘Search’ for ‘Somewhere’ ran out of steam at a little known break named Uluwatu, with equally unknown Padang Padang as a backup. Incase your sarcasm detector is broken, I’m totally joking about the unknown part. Reportedly the plan was to host the event at Gnaraloo in Western …

by Chris

Slats Wins J-Bay and Probably World Title

Slater is the guy on the left…right? I’m not sure if this is even news anymore. When does it stop being news and start being scripted? Kelly Slater just won J-Bay again. This means he has won 4 out of the last 5 events and makes him a shoe in …

by Drew

Billabong Pro J-Bay 2008

Work not quite doing it for you this week? No Problem, Billabong got you covered. The Billabong Pro is underway at J-Bay and thanks to a few lay-days, you can still catch a good chunk of the event here. Having been involved with live webcasts before, the coverage at these …

by Chris

Beach Blanket Burnout

One of the better surf company’s around today is called RVCA (they also do skate as well). They fund an art magazine called the Artist Network Program (ANP) which is co-edited by a guy called Aaron Rose. It’s hard to explain how big of a deal Aaron Rose is.. He …

by Drew

“Highwater” – Surf Documenty

Dana Brown, the director of Step Into Liquid and Endless Summer 2 is showing his new film at the LA Film Fest. It’s based around the Triple Crown event held at Oahu’s on the North Shore. Based purely on Dana’s history this is got to be worth a watch. Although personally …

by Drew

Eat, Sleep, Surf

This one comes straight from the WTF? files. According to The Daily Record, seems a surfer caused a bit of an scare during a recent RNLI anniversary parade in Dunbar, Scotland. He was spotted asleep on his board in the lineup for about 45 minutes. Not even flares fired above …

by Chris

Crescent Head Decalared Surfing Reserve

Crescent Head on the NSW mid-north coast, has been granted status as a protected surfing reserve. In doing so, it becomes the the fourth only protected surfing reserve in the Galaxy. You can read some more about the news here. I for one welcome this, and think it’s actually a …

by Chris


The guys and girls over at Volcom have had this interesting contest running for a while. Now this is by no means new news, but their Youtube page has had a steady stream of entrants and its getting mighty close. For $10,000 I’m kind of surprised that no one has …

by Chris

Introducing the POP Magazine Forums

Well, it’s been a long time in the making and a lot of hours in front of the computer (not as much as this guy though) but we have finally finished the POP Magazine Forums. Magazine subscribers have been testing it out for us over the last week or two (thanks …

by Drew


Dave from sent me over this little number last night. Pretty sweet. You can get it in a BetterTube version here . Is it just me, or does Tasmania seem kinder gnarly compared to the mainland? You know, like when Chopper was on the mainland he was bad-arse, but …

by Drew

Kelly Slater Wins Globe Pro

I’m pretty sure this no longer counts as news… Kelly Slater has won another surf event. It’s like reporting that the sun has in fact risen this morning. For the benefit of those who are shocked enough by the win to still be reading, Slater beat out C.J. Hobgood in …

by Dave

Koby Abberton Pleads Not Guilty – I’m Unconvinced

‘Sign on San Diego’ is reporting that Koby Abberton is claiming innocence in a Hawaiian court. Koby is charged with misdemeanor assault stemming from the March 8th fight outside Restaurant Epic in Honolulu’s Chinatown. This could earn him a maximum sentence of a year’s imprisonment. I can’t understand why, after …

by Dave

Billabong Buys Kirra Surf

Although I’m Victorian, I have known about Kirra Surf for as long as I can remember. I’ve visited the store a number of times over the years which is why I thought that this news would be relevant to a lot of readers – Billabong, which is situated behind the …

by Dave

Waves and Tracks to get a new publisher

In a move predicted in the last issue of Australian Surf Business, ACP is getting rid of iconic surf titles, Waves and Tracks. They are trading the two titles to Wolseley Media for their Rolling Stone magazine. You can read the full article here. I think the most amazing thing …

by Dave

Bruno Santos Wins Billabong Pro Tahiti

Okay, I know we’re about 4 days late on this but for those that haven’t heard… Brazillian wildcard, Bruno Santos has won the Billabong Pro in Tahiti. He beat out the usual suspects during earlier rounds to take on the local wildcard Manoa Drollet in the final. Check out the …

by Dave

Issue 9 Circulation

I just wanted to give you guys a heads up that our circulation page is now %100 up to date with the stockists of Issue 9. If the store is on the map, they got sent a box of magazines last week, so if you’re trying to track down a …

by Drew

Boost SurfSho on Channel 9

If you missed the Boost SurfSho contest this year, then don’t stress because it’s airing this Saturday (May 17th) at 11:30am on channel 9. If you’re like me, and have given up on Australian TV due to the constant Idol/Dance/CSI/Rove/Home-Away-from-Neighbors programing, you would be looking forward to this original programing. …

by Drew

ESS 10-50% off everything!

ESS have helped us put on 2 showings of our new film and proved themselves to be awesome dudes. Basiclly, we think they deserve your money, and what better way to give them your money when your getting shit for cheap. Starting May 7th ESS are having a 10-50% off …

by Drew

Hobgood’s Tahiti Wipeout

Sorry if this is old. I found a new website called Idiom Life and I read it there. Anyway I guess Damien Hobgood took a heavy beating at Teahupoo a couple weeks ago. He got some broken bones out of it. Damo blogged about it on his website which is …

by Rick

Jeremy Flores and the Bleaker Short

[flv width=”450″ height=”253″][/flv] I was sent these Quiksilver promo videos the other day, they are worth a watch. They are basically mini-interviews with Jeremy Flores (above) and Dane Reynolds(below) followed by ads for the new Bleaker boardshort. If you like the 8-bit soundtrack at the end, you really should check …

by Drew

Issue 9 Sneak Peek

Here’s some ‘backstage’ shots of the proof’s from the new issue (I deliberately haven’t included the higher resolution shots because I don’t want to blow it for you). Proofs are the low-res mock-ups of how the final magazine will look. They’re just so you can check for any last minute …

by Rick happening on Fuel

Okay, so I received this email today which had a release from the guys at Basically they are offering to air your footage on their Fuel program called ‘The Skuff Report.’ Leaving out the obvious “I’m spending my cash on cameras, lighting and travel to get you free footage, …

by Dave

Issue 9 Out Soon

Issue 9 is happily at the printers and will be out later this week. This is our biggest issue yet at over 100 pages. Gustav Eden Frontside 270 Fakie Smith Reverts the cover (yeah the sequence is crazy). There’s new and improved product reviews, an expanded editorial section, a winter …

by Rick

My Fantasy Surfer Ranking Worsens

I wish I could claim I was getting better at this but after round two my Fantasy Surfer ranking has dropped to 6,120 of 15,173. I’m now well outside the top 50% and heading for an ‘un-gradeable pass.’ So, the Billabong Pro in Tahati is on in a little over …

by Dave

Slater Rings the Bell

Kelly Slater has pulled out another win at the Rip Curl Pro. This is the third time Slater has rung the bell. He pulled out a massive last minute air scoring 8.83 and destroying Bede Durbidge’s chances of winning. Head over here to get all the details.

by Dave

Rip Curl Boardshort Collective

I thought this was cool enough that it deserved it’s own post. At the Rip Curl Pro Media Night they had the Boardshort Collective on display. Basically Rip Curl asked a bunch of artists to submit a design for a boardshort, and then made a limited run of them. I …

by Drew

Rip Curl Pro Media Party

Known as the loosest night in Australian surfing, the Rip Curl Pro Media Party was on tonight down in Torquay. I didn’t make it last year, so I can’t vouch for it’s looseness, but this one was pretty fun. With a strong turn out (it was packed by 8:00pm) complete …

by Drew

The Happening is Happening Friday Night

The Happening (an art/music/film show) is being put on this coming Friday (the 14th) at the Bondi Openair in Sydney. Proceeds will help raise money and awareness for a group of non-profit organizations, including Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. This is the first date of an international tour, which includes stops …

by Drew

More shots from the Shortstraw catalog shoot!

I was meant to post this at the end of last week but for some reason it didn’t happen… anyway, here’s just a few more shots from the Shortstraw catalog shoot. These shots are from the morning after the night out at the Ivory Bar, Brock says “Slightly dusty after …

by Dave

Trigger Brothers 1 Day Sale Tomorrow

  The Trigger Franskton store is having a one day only super-mega sale tomorrow (March 8th)! Everything is at least 15% off, with all watches and sunnies 25% off. My guess is things will be mayhem so get in there early! With the infamous Trigger trackie going for $60 you better …

by Drew