Here’s the full 45 minutes of Danny Davis’ Peace Park. Created with the help of Burton and Mountain Dew, the …

Red Bull Double Pipe This Weekend
Red Bull are holding a pipe comp in Colorado this weekend with two, side by side pipes. It’s been a …

The Olympics Are Dead & The Burton US Open Killed It
If there is any doubt the Olympics half pipe sucked (there isn’t), the Burton US Open should put all that …

2013 Burton High Fives Rider List
Burton have confirmed the rider list for the 2013 High Fives comp at Cardrona in N.Z. The list includes Kelly …

Shaun White Takes Out WX15 SuperPipe
The superpipe gold has gone to Shaun White with silver going to Scotty Lago (who’s jaw is still wired after his backcountry accident) and bronze going to Louie Vito. According to the ESPN report, White earned “a 97.33 — an identical

A Bad Day For Scotty Lago
Scotty Lago is unlikely to make X Games at the end of the month after a bit of a mishap… By mishap I mean he was hitting a jump that took a week to build and was sending them 50 feet in the air. On his third attempt at a switch double backside rodeo 1080, he landed a little short on the rotation and broke his jaw …

Shaun White’s China Air And Style Promo Video
Oakley and Shaun White have put together this rad little teaser for the Air & Style comp happening in Beijing on December 4th 2010. The six star TTR event has got the likes of Marco Grilc, Peetu Piiroinen, Andreas …

Billabong’s 2010 Snow Preview Video
Billabong have snuck out a preview video for their 2010 snow program. The video appears to feature Antti Autti, Anne …
Gigi Ruf Wins Transworlds Snow Exposure-Meter Title
Gigi Ruf has taken out Transworlds annual Snow Exposure-Meter Title. After coming in a close second the previous season, this …
Dan Himbrechts On Shooting Vancouver
Many of you out there will already know Dan Himbrechts. For years he’s provided the Australian snow media with epic images of riders from across the world. Dan recently took up a new photographic challenge and I caught up with him to talk about shooting the Olympics – read more to check it out!
2010 Burton US Open
The 2010 Burton US Open is on next week. Shaun White, Peetu Piiroinen, Scotty Lago, Hannah Teter and Kelly Clark will all be along to compete and we’ll have footage, photos and results over the week. For more details on the comp, check the press release below.
Guerilla Marketing At The Olympics
There has been a few links on this stuff in the Shoutbox but I thought it was worth a full …

U.S. Olympic Committee Overreacts – Lago Leaves Vancouver
Olympic halfpipe bronze medalist, Scotty Lago, has left Vancouver after the above photos appeared on celebrity site, Lago was …
Olympic Mens Halfpipe Today!
Today we get to see the Winter Olympics ‘Mens Halfpipe’ go down. Qualifiers kick off at 8:05am, semi’s happen at …
TTR Vid “Shaun White Vs. The World”
TTR have put together a rad little video featuring some of the medal hopefuls in the Olympic Halfpipe event. Featuring …
Holly Crawford Third At Mammoth Grand Prix
Danny Davis. Photo: Chris Wellhausen There’s a strong debate going on in the shoutbox about the upcoming Australian Olympic Snowboard Team announcement. One person that shouldn’t have to worry is Holly Crawford who placed third at last weekends
US Snowboarding Grand Prix Results
(Via Boardistan) The US Snowboarding Grand Prix in Mammoth Mountain has wrapped with Danny Davis taking out the win. According …
Billabong Team in NZ: Episode 4
This is the fourth clip in Billabong and Sony’s series on the team trip to New Zealand. As I mentioned …
X-Games 14 Invites
The first round of invites have got out for Winter X Games 14 which is being held in Aspen, Colorado. …
Billabong Team in NZ: Episode 3
This is the third in the Billabong trip to New Zealand clips that Woody is kindly sending to us. As …
Burton’s U.S. Olympic Team Uniform
Burton has unveiled the 2010 U.S. Olympic snowboard team uniform. The press release describes the uniform as “a fresh and …
Billabong Team in NZ: Episode 2
This is the second in the Billabong trip to New Zealand clips that Woody is kindly sending us. The videos …
Tadashi Fuse Joins Billabong
Photo from Vivo Headwear Billabong snow news is flowing thick and fast at the moment… Japanese ripper, Tadashi Fuse has …
Billabong Team in NZ: Episode 1 Heli Boarding
Billabong have kindly given us a bit of an exclusive on this… Over the coming weeks we’re going to put …

Burton Open New Zealand Slopestyle
The slopestyle of New Zealand Burton Open has just wrapped up. There’s a bunch of photos and video at the …