May 29, 2009

Lib-Tech and Spacecraft Hookup


Lib-Tech and Spacecraft have got together with Think Thank’s Jesse Burtner to create some snowboards. The above graphic is Burtner’s pro-model. They aren’t calling this a collaboration between the parties but refer to it as “a board created through mutual respect.” Have a read of what Ryan Davis had to say about the hookup below the cut.

From Ryan Davis:

Here in NW Washington, we have amazing roots in the snowboard world with brands like Lib Tech, Frequency TSJ, Ride Snowboards, Capita, Union Bindings, Think Thank and  Spacecraft that have planted seeds as companies, only to watch them sprout into brands that are recognized around the globe.

As a former Mervin Mfg, (Lib Tech) employee and still current artist, I (Ryan Davis) thought it would be a great way to circle the wagons on a project with one of the original NW brands and Think Thank’s Jesse Burtner. Jesse is a big part of Spacecraft and is an amazing talent in the ever challenging film scene. What we like about what Jesse is doing, is that he makes films that are realistic for all people that snowboard… not everyone can pull off the stunts that the athletes do, but they can get a perspective on the idea that you can make it happen by building things yourself. It’s the creative behind his films that inspire the next generation.

In speaking with Pete Saari of Lib, we were trying to connect in a way that was not really a colab, but mutual respect of all three elements. The first being that this was to be Jesse’s first “pro-model”, and we wanted Jesse to retain creative control. The second is a connection of two brands that were born here in the NW and pushed the envelope of what it is to start and continue a business that becomes a platform for a vision of making better and continued progressive design. Lastly, we love what each other bring to the industry and wanted to rally around that momentum.

We kind of just threw the idea out there to Lib and Jesse and the board you see coming out in Fall 09 is the finished product. A blend of technology, mutual respect and Spacecraft Rabbits.

Keep your eyes peeled on up-coming projects from Spacecraft, as we continue to lace visual narrative into the products that we make.

by Dave