February 26, 2008

Anne Flore Marxer Filming Blog


You might reconginize Anne Flore Marxer from Issue 4. Being a pro for Burton and filming for the likes of Runway can be hard for anyone, yet AFM is killing it. She meet up with Jan (a guy that used to work here at POP until he became a big time movie maker in Canada) and he got her to send us a 5 day blog about her time filming with Runway, read on…

Day 1
We are sitting on that oldschool chairlift in White Water BC, it s bouncing.. the slope is still untracked.. The fog is going up and the sun starts appearing behind the evergreens. The snow builds up on the trees, they are frozen.. everything is white and crutsy, humid, fresh tracks, pillows, cold and heartwarming. Runs in the trees all the way to the road and hitchhike back to the lift. Small resort, 2 lifts.
This is how poetic the trip started.. and the crew made it all become funky and adventurous! Leanne Pelosi, Janna Meyen, Natasza Zureck and I are following Shandi Campos and Scott in the deepest of their mountains..

Day 2
Crazy way up the hill this morning, cross avi passes.. huge avalanches. Danger zone.
The sleds go down, shandy saves us all.. I m on the radio.. I m so important with my radio!! Next one! Sweet and mellow Pillow lines.
Nat let her sled go straight into a tree.. half of it just commits to suicide.. the sled seems fine.. upper bowl I spit my lungs in the death zone. Cant see shit.. scared as hell..
Adrenaline I love you, best drug ever. Scott shreds down that line I was way too scared to do on his noboard! That’s the coolest thing by the way!! No Boardng? Love it!
Janna rips it on her sled!! She jumps even! Randy (Shandy’s dog) runs faster then any of us on the sleds.. and hangs with us all day up there! Warm and sunny. Christy runs over that other dog. Bamboo or meetball should we call it? The dog goes under the track of the sleds and gets spit out the other end. The dog seems to be used to it..
We find sick cliffs and sweet pillow lines.. the snow is epic! On the ride down a huge avalanche had crossed our track back.. our only way out.. we had to dig our way through tons of heavy snow! Happy day.

Day 3
On the third day we found huge rocks pillows field! Messy day.. tired day.. Janna is having enough fun for all of us! Huge airs out of that one sick rock pillow.. me hungry, me grumpy when hungry.. me not friendly when grumpy! Sorry..

Day 4
Janna is a sledneck, she went TTT (to the top) on her sled high marking way better then any of the sled duds.. scott fs 360 on that natural hit in the middle of his line on a No Board! What?! All the girls are killing it! We all stomped our cliff lines first track! We are all done by noon and just have a good time. The dogs are here too, they are so cool.. they just run all the way up the tracks and hang out with us all day..
lunar eclips and famly dinner.. good times..

Day 5
Tired.. sketchy avalanche area, no roping for the first time, it s really like surfing on snow. WE are all quite tired, lucky that Natasza is hard working for us all, and she didn’t die on that first try. We watch and sit in the sun. move the sled to sun little by little as the shadow gets us.. wett boots tired back to our hobbit houses. Me tired, me even stop talking when tired. Good night. The week end approaches and it’s time for us to rest before we keep on shooting.. That was an epic week and certainly the most productive in a long time.. check next year’s Runway movie to see the footage!

by Drew