November 19, 2006


So Issue 4 comes out Monday! It will be in some selected shops around Melbourne Monday afternoon and then will spread out across the country over the next few days. To prove that I’m not telling fibs, here’s some photos and a movie from my visit to the printers last week for a press check (basically making sure the colours and everything are correct).

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Jackson Allen’s interview coming out of the plate making machine.

The plates (or negatives) that are etched onto metal and sent to the press.

Finding any mistakes that sliped sthrough (and missing most of them).

The guy that makes sure everything looks how it should.

There some product guides spread in there, as well as the James Catto interview and the Tristan Sill portfolio.

Front and back covers with the inside pages.

POP Magazine’s Dave Keating going over everything one last time.

The CMYK printing process.

by POP Magazine