November 23, 2006

Baw Baw update

Last week it snowed in Victoria. Which is funny because Al Gore was in town giving a speach on global warming. I wonder if he thinks snow in November is normal? Anyway some friends took advantage of all that burned fossil fuel and went snowboarding at Mt Baw Baw. Hopefully the next time it snows at Baw Baw it will be on the DC Mountain Lab style park Cactus Black and Baw Baw are building over the summer… Yeah I’m serious. I spoke to Jamie from Cactus today and they’re in talks with some of Australia’s best rail builders (namely the park guys from Thredbo and Falls Creek) to do this thing right. Word is there will be a $35 dollar park pass so it will be cheaper, closer (Baw Baw is just over 2 hours form Melbourne) and most importantly better than anything else in Australia. I hope I’m not wrong in saying this but next winter could be the best season for snowboarding we’ve ever had.

by POP Magazine