April 17, 2008

Skuff.tv happening on Fuel


Okay, so I received this email today which had a release from the guys at Skuff.tv. Basically they are offering to air your footage on their Fuel program called ‘The Skuff Report.’ Leaving out the obvious “I’m spending my cash on cameras, lighting and travel to get you free footage, so you can make bank on it” angle I actually think this has the potential (note the word ‘potential’) to bring something good to skate, surf and snow TV. Currently our options are limited – have you seen Surfari? Ouch – does the presenter understand what she’s saying? Skate 2 Death – read Hoban’s blog, it accurately reflects my feelings. So, c’mon Skuff guys – do something good. Talk to other industry crew, use correct spelling and don’t make it wacky and extreme… make it good. We’ve all been waiting for a show that’s done right…

by Dave