October 5, 2009

V-RAW Winner & Pop’s Issue 14 Fashion Editor

Pop Magazine - Jana Bartolo

Remember the V-RAW contest we had up a while back for the Fashion Editor’s position at Pop? Well we got our winner – Jana Bartolo. Jana, who is a Sydney based stylist, has been working with us since last Friday and is producing some amazing work so far – I wish I had half her knowledge on these things. She’s focused on creating the swimwear editorial – deciding on models, looks, style, etc. The guide is being shot by one of our favorite photogs, Steve Gourlay, and will appear as a 12 page editorial in the new issue… That’s a heads up for the guys, hot girls in bikinis next issue! Check out Jana’s website here and keep checking back on the Pop site for more of her work. Welcome to the team Jana!

by Dave