February 9, 2010

A Vote For Snowboarding

Considering the Olympics is some what of a big deal these days, in Steve Berra fashion, I would like to call on the greater Australian snowboard community for some help in raising the profile of our shredders. This WWOS site features an incredibly abbreviated list of athletes competing in ‘the games’. From my understanding, the traffic the athletes get will determine how much coverage they are given on free-to-air T.V. Whilst snowboarders like Damon Hayler and Joh Shaw don’t get much coverage on here, I encourage you to click their respective profiles along with Torah and Holly so we can show the world that snowboarding is at least 4000 times better than curling or ice dancing. Head over to here to vote and let’s show the monkeys how rad our community really is.

Then again, with quotes like this;

Instant expert
“Wow. That goofy footer really buttered the muffin. And that was a gnarly jambalaya, dude.”

Do we want to snowboarding to become ‘popular’?

by Chris