In other news this week, Google reveals it’s secret formula (sort of), Bansky’s film get’s its first review, iPad demand outstrips the hype of the iPhone and you are greeted this week by none other than Jessica Alba… You’re welcome.
Google’s Search Technology: Part Unveiled – This is an amazing write up on how Google developed its search engine and how it keeps improving. They’re running multiple tests and improvements all the time to try and reach a point where Google isn’t just looking for the words you type, but the meaning behind them. Amazing stuff they’re working on!
First Review of Bansky’s Film – Esquire checked out the Bansky film last week and gave it a good review. For those that haven’t heard about it, the film “… itself is a funny, clever and rather slippery affair. It purports to tell the story of Thierry “Terry” Guetta, a tubby, mutton-chopped LA-based Frenchman and video-camera enthusiast who, after filming the exploits of his cousin, Space Invader (who places mosaics of characters from the classic video game in unlikely spots around the world), became the accidental chronicler of the street art movement.” I can’t wait to check it out.
iPad Demand Outstrips the iPhone – I don’t know about you but it seemed to me like the hype around the iPad died pretty quickly after the announcement… Apparently I’m on my own there because the demand for the iPad is outstripping the fever pitch hype that was around when the iPhone launched.
And Finally – Jessica Alba… Because why not? Have a great week!