March 20, 2010

Billabong & Sony’s ‘City Squared’ Live Coverage!

(11.50am) Hey All! I’m down at Queensbridge Square for Billabong and Sony’s ‘City Squared’ event. The setup is almost complete and all the riders are almost in – I should have a confirmed riders list any moment. The area is full of some pretty amazing stuff – the completed artwork from Brett Chan’s show, the Monster Truck (a truck for the drink, not one for crushing cars) the Billabong Bus and a Sony Booth. It’s all looking good and Melbourne has turned on the good weather for the day! Check the photos above for how it’s all looking! Footage and interviews up soon.

(12:10pm) First lot of footage off Renton’s bloggie – Renton Millar talks to Woody Sedgman about the event and setting up.

(12:30pm) New footage up! Check it out…

(1:15pm) New video up from Renton! Things are getting good now – the guys are hitting it like crazy. We have Sam Giles, Jack Kirk, Dustin Dollin, Marc Holland and a tonne more out there.

(1:36pm) We’ve got a quick break in the action while the landing is being fixed. Unfortunately the wood was splintering and popping the screws up creating a less than desirable situation for the riders. Just about to complete the rebuild now so everything can kick off!

(2:00pm) Heat 1 list – Jam Format. Jeremy Corea, Gabriel Summers, Nathan Jackson, Jesse Noonan, John Dickenson & Dane Burman. About to happen!

(2:15pm) Mapstone and Sparks are manning the mic, Junior is on the tunes and some of the best skate photogs in the country are snapping away… Heat 1 is over. Heat 2 has Marty Girotto, Blake Harris, Bryce Golder, Jackson Pilz, Will Hine and Jack Kirk.

(2:30pm) Heat 2 over. Some really impressive stuff happening! Blake Harris was killing it. Heat 3 is Steve McInnes, Kieran Reilly, Nick Boserio, Josh Pall, Luke Croker and Vaughan Marks.

(2:45pm) Heat 3 over… Amazing. Luke Croker’s nollie flip down the double set was killer and Mapstone and Sparks’ commentary is all time… I need to work out a way to stream it on the site. Heat 4 coming up: Tommy Fynn, Dylan Tomlinson, Bjorn Johnston, Yuta Tanaka, Juan Onekana and Marc ‘Snapper’ Holland.

?(2:55pm) Footage from heat two up from Renton… Sorry for the break – computer shut down which was really helpful. Heat five is under way with Jon Lorcan, Joel McIlror, Thomas Vinter, Scott Standley, Dustin Dollin and Pascal Leniston going at it…

(3:15pm) Heat 5 just wrapped. Some epic skating happening… Finals names and more footage coming really soon.

(3:20pm) Heat 6 – Wait, before the finals we do need to complete the heats. Apparently there is one more that wasn’t listed. Chris Wood, Sam Giles, Marty Girotto, Lewis Marnell and that’s it I think…

(3:35pm) Heat 6 done. Now we can talk finals lists…

(3:40pm) The finals are going to run as two 5 man heats with one overall winner picked and walking away with $5 grand! The judges are deliberating at the moment and working the list down to 10. Names coming soon.

(3:55pm) New clip from Renton! Check it out…

(4:00pm) Finals names: #1 will be Corea, Fynn, Johnston, Giles, Vintr, Nuggett. #2 will be Burman, Thomlinson, Briody, Marnell, Boserio and Dollin.

(4:15pm) Dustin Dollin has unfortunately been injured so John Dickenson is taking his spot in the finals.

(4:30pm) More footage from Renton… This might be the last clip for today but there will be more from Slam’s ‘Skater of the Year’ tonight up on the site tomorrow. Check out the clip – Finals are about to begin!

(4:50pm) Finals are done… 10 mins time and we’ll have presentations.

(Finals) All the guys went for it in the finals… And the action brought in a huge crowd which was great to see. The day was taken out by Sam Giles who walked away with $5,000 for the win. The top six riders, worst slam and best trick all got Sony ‘bloggie’ cameras. There was five Brett Chan boards that were given to kids in the crowd (who were insanely stoked)… It was an amazing day! Special shoutout to Mapstone and Sparks who provided hours of entertainment on the mic. Seriously, those guys were hilarious and I’m assured that some of their gems will make the highlights video. Thanks to Woody and all the guys at Billabong as well as the Sony crew for having us along for the last couple of days. There will be a warp up with more details and footage early in the week. Have a good night/Sunday everyone!

by Dave