July 5, 2010

Largest Burton Vapor Ever Made

I saw this post over on the Burton Community. Burton recently made a Vapor for a special order. They don’t say who the order is for, but given the massivness of it and the NBA season just ending, could it be Shaq is hitting the park?

This super sized set up was floating around the office the other day (en route to it’s really big owner), and it was so amazing that we had to take some pictures. The boots are size 22, the bindings were specially modified Freestyle’s (to put things in perspective, the toe strap is a L ankle strap…), and the board is the biggest Vapor ever made. In the pictures up above, those are size 9 feet standing on it with a fair bit of clearance on either side of the board, and in the base photo you can see that it needed more than one base sheet to cover the base. The mold we used to make this board was from a board that we made for basketball legend David Robinson, who is 7′ 1″. Shoot, that’s a big board!

(Via: Burton Community)

by Rick