July 29, 2007

Holy Shit!

[gv data=”http://www.youtube.com/v/2OLkLPWKfDM”][/gv]

Remember school yard fights? They were awesome – bare knuckle battles almost always ending in tears and ridicule for the loser… **breathes deeply** alas I more closely resemble the last frozen chicken in Coles than I do to any kind of street fighter – so more often than not the tears were mine. Anyway, this little YouTube clip had me screaming Fight! Fight! Fight! at the monitor. And because organized religion offends me far more than swearing, I can tell you I was not supporting the racist, foul mouthed Reverend Monsignor Geoffrey Baron, Dean of St Patrick’s Cathedral. Sure, everyone is going to say that the skaters were being assholes but one could expect a little more dignity and refinement from a man of the cloth… Instead he manages to use language that would make Mother Teresa O.D. Click and enjoy!

by Dave