June 14, 2006

Altitude Store Opening

Last Thursday night was the opening of Melbourne’s newest snow retail store called Altitude, located at 241 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne. Whilst not your traditional store opening (which is usually a good excuse for kids to come and drink free beer whilst stuffing there pockets full of ‘free’ product when no ones looking) it was a well catered and low key event designed to impress reps, investors and one small-time magazine editor… The store itself is a clean and modern ski store with all the gear your Mum and Dad would wear downstairs and all the snowboard related product upstairs (maybe they’re scared of the general public seeing all those scary snowboarders?).

Whilst I think the sets of Roxy skis (yep thats right… Roxy make skis now!) will scare most of your hardcore shred heads away I would have no problems suggesting kids with parents that ski to drag them to Altitude. That way when they’re down stairs looking at the latest Rossignol Bandit GTO XT Xtreme SnoCross Skis you can hide upstairs with Altitude snowboard shop manager James Oakley and his crew pimping yourself out in boards from GNU, Lib Tech and Option; helmets from Red; boots and outerwear from DC; and goggles from Anon.

GNU and Lib Tech boards. Peep that new Danny Kass?! Woop!

See that cabinet off in the distance? No? Well maybe if you had a pair of Anon goggles you’d be able to see better!

Option’s range of goodies. That stripey weapon in the middle is Jorden Mendenhalls pro model… Sweet!

DC boots holding down the boot section at Altitude. Did you know Australian destroyer Charles Beckinsale steps out for DC?

What’s you preference? Helmet or no Helmet? Either way Red makes a sexy one for every girl or boy!

You can’t quite see in this mini picture but thats Josh Dirkson laying out an epic method in tribute to Jeff Anderson!

by POP Magazine