July 24, 2010

Dew Hut Jam Plans!

The 2010 Dew Hut Jam is happening next Saturday 31st July up at Buller. The good guys at Dew just shot through a bit of info on the night, “In 2010 the course has been modified to give the riders more options. The crew at Buller have come up with some great design ideas and addressed the issue of a low-snow year. The addition of a chimney will allow riders to spin over the hut and bonk it on their way through mid-spin, or use it to initiate spins in the middle of their jump. There are loads of new ways to ride the hut additions – it’s about leaving it up to the riders to get creative, have a fun jam session and push the levels of what’s possible.” This year is the first year we’ve seen the Gatorade Rookie Award too where one up and comer will walk away $4,000 richer! More on the comp soon – in the mean time, peep the plans for the 2010 hut above!

by Dave