August 12, 2010

Sideslippin’, Hot Dogs And Pine Logs

A couple Saturday’s ago a relaxed crew got together down at Pines in Shoreham, Victoria for the first Side Slippin, Hot Dogs and Pine Logs event. Jarred Osborn sent me in this clip he made of the festivities. The day kicked off with everyone’s quiver collection being laid out along the grass-lined beach with single fins, long boards, twins, quads, alaias and what ever other flotsam people thought they could surf. But don’t let the hippies fool you, there was a contest at hand. The peer voted winners and their categories are listed below.

Best Tandem to Napalm with hound O.B
Door Prizes to Haack and Wardo
Raddest Move to Jimmy on his alaia doing 360’s
Head Stand to Cam who also ripped on the alaia too
Nose Riding to Pat
Longest Ride to Dan on his 8’9’’ alaia
Sandcastle Makers True, Ashby and Marley
Most Stoked to Claire
Creepiest to Kasper
Weirdest Beard to Chris
Smallest Barrel to Joel
Coldest to Juzz
Artistic Design to Clare’s alaia creation
Caped Cruiser to Cristina
Best Overall Long Boarder to Banjo


On Saturday 31st July 2010, the first Side Slippin, Hot Dogs and Pine Logs event was held at Pines, Shoreham Beach Victoria in clean 1ft peelers under the warm winter sun.

The relaxed event kicked off with everyone’s quiver collection being laid out along the grass-lined beach with single fins, long boards, twins, quads and alaias capturing the eyes and imagination of fellow shredders.

Pirates, skegs and mermaids collected different crafts and shredded the fun left, right and straight breaking waves of Atlas peak as endless hoots and stoke rang loud during the two hour “no timer, no singlet, anything but three fin” expression session.

Experimentation and expressionism was styled in the water and a peer discussion voted winners for the different categories on the beach: Best Tandem to Napalm with hound O.B., Door Prizes to Haack and Wardo, Raddest Move to Jimmy on his alaia doing 360’s, Head Stand to Cam who also ripped on the alaia too, Nose Riding to Pat, Longest Ride to Dan on his 8’9’’ alaia, Sandcastle Makers True, Ashby and Marley, Most Stoked to Claire, Creepiest to Kasper, Weirdest Beard to Chris, Smallest Barrel to Joel, Coldest to Juzz, Artistic Design to Clare’s alaia creation, Caped Cruiser to Cristina and Best Overall Long Boarder to Banjo.

Winners were awarded some rad sponsor’s product as prizes thanks to the good folks at The Critical Slide Society, Insight, Arnette, Balin, Xcel, Vampirate and Ocean Foam.

“The main aim was to get people together, share waves, compare board designs and have a good time without the structure of normal competitions, everyone was stoked and looking forward to future gatherings” Robbie Warden, Event Director.

Big thanks to all Side Slippers, our sponsors, the PSC and friends for making it such a fun and friendly day, no doubt it is the humble beginning of a concept that will grow and be enjoyed by others into the future and around the world.

by Rick