August 18, 2010

Adidas’s 2010 Transworld ‘Skate And Create’ Entry

Adidas Australia TM, Chris McLean sent me through Adidas’s entry into the 2010 Transworld ‘Skate And Create’ comp. The entry features Mark Gonzales, Dennis Busenitz, Benny Fairfax, Nestor Judkins, Lem Villemin and Jake Donnelly. It was directed by Matt Irving who said, “I’d wanted to do Skate & Create after seeing the first one. I had ideas for some unique shots and different angles. We didn’t want to follow a strict narrative. We wanted it to be more abstract—less of a plot and more about finding new ways to show skating.” The clip definitely does some rad stuff – maybe one or two shots are a little too dark to catch what’s going on but it’s more than made up for by the shadow shots and some of the projections which look amazing. There’s another clip due out tonight Australian time from Fallen footwear, I’ll post it up ASAP. Check it out here.

by Dave