August 26, 2010

The Rob Blog: K2 trip to Chile

Hey Guys! I finally made it to Chile yesterday for the K2 2011 catalogue shoot. The trip was actually pretty mellow… I had a seriously early start, the cab picked me up at 4am, I forgave Alice for not taking me out. I had a stop over in Auckland where I killed time by getting a massage and having a beer, then boarded my plane, watched 2.5 movies, drank a few red wines and woke up when the plane landed. I’m told the snow isn’t great but with Yoshida shooting I’m sure we’ll get some great shots. I’m stoked to be back with all my K2 buddies who I haven’t seen in a while and my TM K.Winkle who sent me through an impressive colour coded schedule of our time in Chile! I’ll post a few shots of the crew over the next few days.

by Dave