September 29, 2007

Bra Boys gets Hollywood!

While normally willing and able to give shit to anything – I might just hold back a little here… Might. The Bra Boys documentary is apparently going to be getting the Hollywood treatment and be made into a major motion picture. Through a long chain of websites, but mostly with the help of BoardSportSource, I found that the film will appeal to people in “marginalized youth culture(s), who can relate to similar situations.” Ah yes, I can relate because back in the day I too had a gang with a secret handshake, only instead of punching cops we met on alternate Tuesdays to discuss Oprah’s latest recommended book. Sure, the secret handshake might have been a little unnecessary and a little inappropriate too – the restraining order means I can no longer attend my gang meetings – but I think that our story would have a certain Hollywood appeal. Weinstein Brothers, I await your call.

by Dave