If you ask, what does it mean to ‘live the dream’ there will be a million different answers but you can bet that more than a few would be saying that getting paid to party would be pretty awesome. These two guys have taken that to a whole new level photo’ing personalities, parties and events right across the world. From Cochella to Bowl-A-Rama to Snow Jam, if you’re getting papped at the right party, it’s probably one of the LWA crew.
Thanks for taking the time guys. First up, tell us how you guys know each other and how you got started with the site, Life Without Andy.
Myself and little Mitch have been buddies since day one. We are both from the kind little town of Newcastle and with our parents friends before the birth of us we were always going to be in one another’s lives. Since the early days we have been super tight, we went to the same high school as one another, we moved down to Sydney basically together and things with LWA eventuated from there. We have always talked about creating these wacky projects that never really took off. With LWA it seemed quite simple as we both had the exact same vision, we thought lets put music, parties, girls, art, dudes on a website for people to click through and there you have the creation of this little monster named Life Without Andy.
Although the life you guys lead looks amazing in the photos, nothing is ever perfect. What’s the worst part about what you do?
Easy- doing the crappy, lame paper work part… Invoices and that shit is horrible for the pair of us. We always talk about bringing in some super dooper organizer to take care of the boring crap but we never get around to it. A lot of companies and people think that we have a big team behind us but to be straight up its pretty much just the pair of us.
What is the craziest things that has happened to you guys while you’ve been doing this?
We would have to say the opportunities that have come from LWA. They have blown us away actually. Everyday we get some sort of email that totally blows us away. It’s so cool that people appreciate what we do and want us to be apart of their world in some sort of creative round about way. There has been talk of a whole lot of really radical stuff on the horizon for us and for that we are grateful.
What’s the most difficult part about your jobs? Is it hard if there’s a small crowd or if they’re not getting into the night? How do you make the best of that?
Yeah it does get tricky some times, like you mentioned when it’s a small crowd or it looks as though there might be some people that are way too cool for us to point a camera at its kinda tough. If we are alone at the event you just have to battle on and try not to get all flustered, soldier on… If the pair of us are at the spot its easy, we just feed of one another and turn the situation into a good one no matter how dull things are…
Have you got party photographers that you look up to?
Yeah for sure, there’s a few that we look up too… The guy from Last Nights Party is awesome, i think his name is Merlin Bronques… Cobra is obviously great. Our buddy from back home Kish was good too but i think he gave it up for his 30mm collection.
What about photographers in general? Who’s work are you into?
There are so many photographers that we both enjoy following. Weather they are super famous internationally or our buddies from down the road… A few names would be Russell James, Rodd Owen, Terry Richardson, Annie Leibovitz, Steve Sherman, Steve Baccon
What cameras are you guys shooting with? What’s the setup?
We have a few cameras these days, 5D Mark 2’s and our Leica D-LUX 4’s are the favorites at the moment.
Have you got any tips for aspiring party photogs?
Just go do it and have a good time, the thing about party photo’s that is the best is that you are at a party… generally a place for an awesome time, right? So its light hearted and a fun time from the get go… Enjoy.
Something tells me that for a single guy, this job could have… advantages. Am I right?
One of us is single and the other has an incredible lady… Little Mitch falls in love every night and Big Mitch is obsessed with his girlfriend… The advantage is that where we go there is usually a few gorgeous girls but that dosent mean its any easier to get a kiss, ha
Anything exciting happening in the future?
Yep, a bunch of things are just around the corner… LWA TV being the most exciting, that will launch in the coming weeks. Plus we have a bunch of different projects that dont go on the site with fashion and campaigne shoots that keep us pretty busy! Woo
Thanks for the time guys – we love what you do. Best of luck for the future!