October 19, 2007

Australian Surf Movie Festival

I received a lovely email last night from a lady who is helping to market the “Fructis Style Surf Hair Australian Surf Movie Festival” (Again with the catchy titles, how do Fructis do it?) She asks if we could say a word in “the POP MAG” (she must have found us on The Google) about this year’s event. Well sure thing! Its a surf film festival that tours Australia. You can check the details here or by clicking the above graphic . I’m stoked that Fructis are putting so much money into snowboarding and surfing but I’m wary of everything they’re involved in…. Why? Well, they can’t just be a title sponsor, they have to include some kind of product reference and have their own wacky extreme text. Isn’t “presented by Fructis” enough? Good on them for getting involved and they’re doing way more than most large companies that want to be seen as associated with surf/skate/snow. But lets turn the volume down on the “extreme” marketing cause right now its up around 11. Anyway, back to the event… film director and event coordinator, Tim Bonython, is running the show which will tour 22 venues around the country until November 25th. It’s a good way to see some surf flicks on the big screen, so get along!

by Dave