October 4, 2008

Burton ’09 Love Boards Attract Controversy

Reading this made me so angry I had to post something up… Burton’s ’09 Love boards have appeared on CNN and in several news articles as a result of their graphics. The boards designed by Mikkel Bang and Keegan Valaika feature retro Playboy images and an amusing blurb full of innuendo… harmless fun. Apparently the pictures are offending ‘some people’ (read: idiots) who think that the line of snowboards will destroy the American way of life (which, if you believe Sarah Palin, involves shooting Moose, bikini contests and shooting more Moose). People who dislike the boards are making comments like “the boards promote a commodification of women’s bodies” – actually, if you’re American, the boards are the least of your worries – Los Angeles is one of the top three porn producing cities in the world. There is an estimated 211 new pornographic films made every week in the United States contributing US$1.8 billion dollars to the economy every year. So, if stamping out this objectification is your aim, I’d get heading towards Californy. Good work and congratulations to Burton who have not bowed to the minority out there.

PS. Just for amusement, check out the video and interview Complex did with Seth Rogen and Kevin Smith over here.

by Dave