What the Shoutbox wants, the Shoutbox gets! Welcome back to our weekly general news post, this week featuring Amber Heard who, for those that keep up with the gossip blogs, will know that she’s as big a fan of hot ladies as the guys in the Shoutbox are.
Gawker Gets Hacked – Gawker media, which includes sites like Gizmodo and Lifehacker, have had a few issues over the weekend and are asking people who have a registered username and password to change them pretty quick. Some guys hacked in and got the whole 1.5 million person database and are apparently going to start posting all the info online.
50 Best Movie Raps – Complex have got a count down of the 50 best raps in films. Hearing CB4’s ‘Sweat from my balls’ brought back memories.
Melbourne’s Bike Share Fail – Melbourne has these bikes everywhere now for anyone to jump on at a small charge. However, it is completely inconvenient because you need to have planned to bring a helmet with you to comply with the law… Hence, massive fail. Here’s a post about some of the crazy laws and their unintended side effects.
Afghanistan, Drugs and the CIA – An interesting article from the NY Times about one drug lord in Afghanistan and his changing relationship with the U.S. over the last few years.