July 18, 2006

It’s on the way…

Some of you have noticed we changed this page a few days ago. Well thats because we’ve signed off on the proofs of the 3rd issue of the magazine and it’s on the print press as we speak! Keep your eyes on the usual websites for exclusive internet only releases in the next 24 hours. Issue 3 will be availble in stores nation wide early next week. If you can’t wait until then, make sure you’re up at Buller for Burton’s rail event where I’ll have some ‘hot-off-the-press’ copies to give out. Read the rest of this article for more teaser images.

Yep, still keeping it free for the kids…

Because issue 3 is 76 pages and prefect/burst bound (you know, with a spine), the magazine is proofed in sections or ‘leafs’.

by Rick