May 24, 2011

Red Bull’s Media Push

A few weeks back, Red Bull released the ‘Red Bulletin’ as a free insertion in the Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, Miami Herald, Houston Chronicle and New York Daily News – 1.2 million copies of a magazine dedicated to the Red Bull happenings around the globe. It’s part of a major push into media by the company which hopes to leverage it’s amazing roster of athletes and incredible events to create interesting advertorial. There’s no doubt the company has the cash to make it work – they sold 4.2 billion cans of the stuff last year creating revenues of just over US$5 billion. While I’m sure the guys know what they’re doing, I’m not sure that a magazine dedicated to Red Bull “pos-mems” (thank you Jack Donoghey) is going to be all that sought after. I’m waiting for the Thunder Muscle magazine to come out! For the full release, you can hit up TW Business here.

by POP Magazine