November 3, 2011

Free Film Friday!

With the Northern Hemi Winter season coming up there is an abundance of huge video’s coming out. But who wants to shell out your hard earned for 30 minutes of entertainment? Well your salvation is here because not all production companies have the snowboarding equivalent to Waterworld Budgets and can give their stuff out for free. Here are a bunch of edits from the little guys, so why not impress your hipster friends by saying “Travis Rice is alright but I am more into Wessel Van Lierop, he’s way more underground.”

RockOn – Propaganda

RockOn are a crew coming out of Germany. Any one else find it weird having a German film featuring images of the North Korean Military? Ah who cares the snowboarding is dope and its probably a bit tongue in cheek.

Ero One Films – La Cassette

Keeping things Europe this one is from France. I went there once… good pizza. This Film was originally released in sections but now here’s it all in one.

PT Films – Might Work

What is it with all the wine references in board sports now days, are board riders becoming more sophisticated or is wine becoming more low-brow? 



Garbage Gang – Believers

This crew is out of Italy who made the Video with no sponsorship. If you can speak/read Itallian you can head over HERE to find out more info and watch the video. They may be giving it up for free but that doesn’t mean they cant be selective when it comes to embed codes.

by POP Magazine