November 7, 2011

Easey Street’s Party That Stops A Nation

Jimbob, Grayson and the guys at Easey Street held a cup day party last week… And wen’t all out. Here’s the write up:

The Easey St Group guys who manage brands such as Volcom and Nike to name a few held a Party in honour of the Melbourne Cup on Tuesday, they decided what better way to take advantage of a public holiday than to turn their indoor space into a marquee for the day and celebrate with some of Melbourne’s finest. Chandon, Coronas and Grey Goose on arrival hyped the guests, red carpet, fake grass and white picket fences added to the now infamous Easey St warehouse space. With sweeps running on every race dollar, dollar bills were flowing regularly to the sound of Biggy… (R.I.P). After the main race, bottles were popping like nobody’s business and the Marquee resembled more like a 90’s Hip Hop video clip. This is how they are doing the races every year from now on – like a BOWSSSSE.

Check some photos from the day above – Looks like it was awesome!

by POP Magazine