The guys behind Ashbury, Airblaster, Stereo and more are holding a bit of a warehouse sale in Melbourne this weekend. Starting on Friday February 8th and running to the 10th, the sale might be worth checking out if you’re in the area. Details in the flyer below.
February 6, 2013
Warehouse Sale – Feb 8th to 10th 2013
by POP Magazine

Dave Thanks AH! Nice pick up!
Viewing post South Korea Confirms 2018 Snowboard Venue
AH Hey Dave, that photo is Alpensia, not phoenix park. Phoenix park is in the next valley, about a 20 min drive from Alpensia. The freestyle events will all be in Phoenix Park. Check this link for more info on Sth Korea: <link>
Ed It was... ridiculous. You really can't take away the skill that takes. Sure a tweaked method in pow will give me a semi everytime, but this is something else.
Ed Pyramid was amazing. As they said, the perfect pillow line!
Sam pyramid to.. although i'd be shit scared dropping in
Rick I know I'm spamming this thing but that final bridge shot was so fun.
Rick Busted collarbone, bummer dude!
Kyneee first little video project we've had one of our riders involved with <link>
Ed Just looked at Shinji's page and looks like there's not many deals up in the middle of his revamp! Best just contact him and have a chat.
Ed ixsmtravel is run by a rad Japanese bloke named Shinji. he's based in Nozawa now but helped organise a lot of the tours that the Aussie snowboard mags have used over the years. Also drove the Helgason boys around Japan in Hokkaido. Really top bloke. Hit him up: <link>
Dave Actually... Anyone got recommendations for good Japan travel/tour companies?
Ed Do it. Myoko Kogen, Nozawa Onsen and Hakuba have their fair share of Aussies these days but steeper terrain and less of the 'Thredbo in Japan' vibe that so many people grow to detest. Give it a burl :)
Drew @Ed: I went to Niseko/Hokkaido. Overrun with Australians and flat. Lots of snow though. I'll give the main island a shot next then!
Ed @Drew where are you going in Japan? I've heard Niseko/Hokkaido aint great for speed. Main island is great though. All depends on what you're after I guess :D
Dave @BFG - I'd love to, but I'm also freaked out at the thought. I've got some great article ideas for one tho.
BFG We ever gonna do another mag?
Drew @Ed, don't you find Japan a little flat? I'm always lacking for speed over there.
Ed Am starting to get the itch for Japan again. Did I ever send this to you guys back in 2013? <link>
Dave Oakley's 'For Me' is streaming for free right now... Check it here: <link> - only for 24 hours or something.
Dave Oh rly? I wonder how that's working - does KS own it outright? Or still with Quik?
scarter5000 Kommunity is alive and well making cool surf access fins, bags etc
Dave @Alay - yeah, it was a Quik sub-brand. It was killed when they started the restructure plan about 18 months back.
Alay Wasn't there a sub label called Kommunity at one stage as well? Which also got the axe at some point. <link>
Dave True - it's just if it was exacerbated because the helmet couldn't, stretch, break and compress the way it was designed with the bracket on it and the pressure of the camera on it.
Ed Pretty sure if he smashed into a rock, helmet or not there was going to be trouble. He was off-piste with not much snow cover for crying out loud.
Ed Bad Seeds premiere at the Sweetwater tomorrow night from 8pm. Get on down!
Ed Well I better get my next pair of boots then to make sure they last longer than the Nike program :B
Dave Totally - be really interesting to see. It would never be the cash cow that SB has been so maybe it just didn't justify the effort needed?
Kyneee People are saying there wasn't enough money in it for them. I'd be interested in seeing the actual financials. Like if it was a huge loss(they've thrown some serious cash around) or if its just not been as big as they expected.
Ed Bit of a shitter, Nike boots are the best ones I've owned to date :(
Dave That would put a few big name pros on the market too.
Dave @Kyneee - I'm hearing that street-word is right. All done, or at least winding down. @ed - haven't seen any one writing on it yet... All word of mouth
Ed Piss off, really? Any links Kyneee?
Kyneee word on the street is nike snowboarding is gone!
Ed Holy shit. I hadn't watched it till I saw your comment Rick. That is just crazy! Can't believe the place they've set down at the start either. Cannot wait for this to hit :D
Rick I've watched this 4 times already. Incredible. So stoked to go snowboarding!
Ed If a giant nupty beanpole like me can navigate down a ski run then I don't see what's so hard about learning to board? Maybe a teaspoon of cement instead of a bizarre hybrid board is the answer for your average weekend warrior...
Rick Cattlemans?!
Rick This thing looks like it'd be so much fun on a powder day!
Dave Damnit!!! Pitt's Pit is a way better headline.
Rick The Pitt's pit looks so sick. Yeah Dad!
Kyneee 2010 was a pretty good year though. Dino was a bit more fluro rather than pastels? Its actually based on the north melbourne giants colours, or charlotte hornets for you nba kids.
Sam bring back Dino!!