May 25, 2009

Videograss Saturdays – Episode One


Hey guys, I know I am late on the first one but I was far of in the wilderness of the Washington Coast away from anything that looked like a computer… anyways, I am proud to present the first episode of the Videograss Saturday Series!!!

So, what we are going to do with these vids is give you a little insight into some of the characters in the film and what we got up to on the way… Keep checking back as one of the episode will be the official teaser to the film. We wont say which one so you will have to keep your eyes open and stay tuned. The video was shot by Videograss cinematographer – mine and Pop’s good friend – Sean McCormick… Yeah Sean!

I guess I have to say it will be Videograss Sundays due to the time change there in Australia but I much rather get cool shit on a Sunday than any other day – don’t ask me why just enjoy Justin Bennee’s style in the Brighton park!

by NotJan