February 19, 2008

Indiana Jones 4 Teaser

So you might have seen this already, but I thought I’d mention it here becuase I have some shit I need to say. Hopefully George Lucas reads this (I’m sure he checks POP every day), but why all the CGI? Haven’t we already proved that CGI ruins sequels? Star Wars? Matrix? And to a certian extent, Lord of The Rings. I’m a huge Indy fan, but I have to tell you, I’m scarred about this film. Even the opening titles are too CGI for me, I mean compare it to the orginal! How stoked would you be if  it looked like that. Indiana Jones has always been about campy fight scenes with over the top punch sound effects and set design, not digital pyrimids and parkour whip swinging. You got the feeling that Indy didn’t really know what he was doing, not that he is a french dude that’s just finished filming James Bond. At least its Senior Spielbergo directing it, so we have a little hope left.

by Drew