L1 Crew At The Canyons

This is a rad little clip I found on the Ashbury twitter – the L1 and Nitro crew went for a shred at The Canyons in Park City. The clip features Johnny Brady, Justin Bennee, Darrah Reid-McLean, Blake Geis, Jordan Mendenhall and Justin Keniston. Enjoy!

by Dave

Thrasher ‘King of the Road’ – Nike SB in SLC

Episode two of Thrasher’s 2011 ‘King of the Road‘ comp is up and this one features the Nike SB guys hanging out in SLC. The challenges are pretty awesome with the highlight being Koston’s ‘Duffel Day’ makeover. Check it out!

by Dave

Brandon Westgate Talks With Chris Nieratko

Chris Nieratko has interviewed Brandon Westgate on the back of his new Emerica shoe dropping and the full part that got released with it. The part is amazing – check it out above and you can read the full interview over here.

by Dave

Etnies 2010 End Of The Year Montage

Just a quick team edit from Etnies. This is a 2010 montage featuring Sean Malto, Tyler Bledsoe, Mikey Taylor and more. It’s combined with a set of photos from the year which you can peep over here. Enjoy!

by Dave

Chaz Ortiz Interview – WIN A Signed Deck!

One of the most impressive skaters in the new crop of pros coming up at the moment has to be Chaz Ortiz. His career took off with an approach from Harold Hunter and although his name has become synonymous with the biggest contests going, he can still nail an amazing video part as witnessed in …

by Dave

Atiba And Evans For Panasonic

This is incredible… Two of the best guys behind the lens, pointing at some of the best in front of it. Atiba and Ty Evans were commissioned by Panasonic to put this clip together using the new Lumix GH2 DSLR camera. According to the blurb it was, “Originally shot 1080i for Panasonic CES 2011 show. Nostalgic

by Dave

3CS Outerwear Team Edit

The good guys at 3CS Outerwear have released a rad team edit from last years footage. The clip features the likes of Tyy Clark, Jason Currie, Mat Galina, Dan Currie and Gus St Leon. The track playing is none other than Dave Fraser’s (from Sidelife) band Killa Robots! Check it out!

by Dave

Tim Laidlaw’s 2011 Park Laps Clip

Tim Laidlaw just shot through this rad little clip of him doing a few park laps at Breck. Check it out!

by Dave

Wetsocks Webisode: Back to School

Shaun Belmore and his crew have put out a new webisode for Wetsocks Productions. This one, titled ‘Back to School’, features Sam Murphy, Tim Laidlaw, Shaun Belmore, Tyson Pollard, Briggs Brown, Jason Maxfield and Cody Potter. Andy Harrington was along to take a few photos. Check the clip out above!

by Dave

Venezuelan Models Hit Lebanese Mountains In Bikinis

This came to me via one of my favorite sites, the Huffington Post. According to the post, “Miss World Top Model 2010 Luna Ramos and Adriana Pena, Miss Venezuela 2007, stripped down before hitting the Lebanese ski resort of Kfardebian (known as Faraya)

by Dave

38º South III Torquay Premiere

Our friend Ben hit up the premiere of 38º South III in Torquay over the weekend. Here’s his run down of the night… “Sponsored by Bird Rock Cafe and Strapper Surf, the video showcased some of Victoria’s best local surfers in both their local spots and overseas. The boys packed out the stadium, with the late

by Dave

Peetu Takes Burton European Open Win

The Burton European Open took place on the weekend and Peetu Piiroinen took out the win with a a frontside 720 indy/Cab double cork 1080 mute/frontside air/backside 900 mute/alley oop rodeo nose grab. Australian Scotty James came out 6th as well which is rad. The women’s was won by Kelly …

by Dave

Shecks Twitter Mishap

Ryan Sheckler’s lawyers and PR team are in damage control this morning after he tweeted a photo over the weekend …

by Dave

Steve Berra For Lexus

Lexus have put out a promo video featuring Berrics co-owner, Steve Berra. It’s basically him in a Lexus, talking with some girl about his life and career, The Berrics and acting. Pretty interesting – definitely more likely to make me look at a Lexus than your standard car ad. Check it out!

by Dave

SURPRISE! Chris Cole Is DC’s New Team Member

Yep – it is as expected, Chris Cole has left Fallen to join the DC team. The guessing game was fun while it lasted and some forums got pretty heated on the subject… The welcome to the team commercial is rad and there’s a clip about why he made the switch below. Check em out!

by Dave

DC’s New Team Member Teaser #4 – This Clears Any Doubt

If there was any debate about who the new DC team member was, this clip should clear it up. Danny Way and Colin McKay talk about the mystery guy – only person not on currently DC to win Thrasher’s ‘Skater of the Year’ twice… Got it? Official announcement coming tomorrow.

by Dave

A Bad Day For Scotty Lago

Scotty Lago is unlikely to make X Games at the end of the month after a bit of a mishap… By mishap I mean he was hitting a jump that took a week to build and was sending them 50 feet in the air. On his third attempt at a switch double backside rodeo 1080, he landed a little short on the rotation and broke his jaw …

by Dave

Devun Walsh Heads Arnette’s New Goggle Team

I knew they’d be back eventually… Arnette has launched their new goggle program with Devun Walsh, Dustin Craven, Zac Marben, and Sage Kotsenburg on the team. Check the full story over here.

by Dave

Jeffrey Moustache Demo Reel

This clip was posted on the Grenade blog – Photographer Jeffrey Moustache has put out a demo reel featuring some skating, snowboarding and a few other sports. It’s really well put together and you get glimpses of Danny Kass, Dingo and more in there. Enjoy!

by Dave

Rad WeSC Denim Creation Clip

WeSC have released this rad little slip about the creation of their new denim line. It takes you through the manufacturing process from cutting and sewing all the way to packaging. Check it out.

by Dave

Nitro Roadwarriors ‘Anywhere’ Film

The Nitro Roadwarriors film ‘Anywhere’ is available as a free download now. The film features Marc Swoboda, Nils Arvidsson, Thomas Feurstein, Anton Bilare, Basti Rittig, Dominik Wagner, Erik Botner, Tobias Karlsson, Mathias Nyberg, Anton Gunnarsson, Marco Smolla, Tobi Strauss, Enrico Cavada …

by Dave

Marc Swoboda Loveolution II Part

Just a little more goodness to finish the day… Here’s Marc Swoboda’s full part from Loveolution II. Enjoy!

by Dave

Holden Outwear: History And Progression

I just got sent this rad clip about the history and progression of Holden Outerwear. It features Mikey LeBlanc and the guys talking about where the company is headed, their views on the environmental aspects of creating their outerwear and their styling inspirations. Check it out!

by Dave

Thrasher ‘King of the Road’ 2010 Episode 1

Episode one of Thrasher’s 2010 ‘King of the Road’ comp is up and looking good. This year it features Converse, …

by Dave

DC’s Mystery Team Member Teaser 2

Here’s another teaser about DC’s new addition to the team. I mentioned it back here with a link to some pretty solid proof that it was going to be Chris Cole and Steve Berra… Reading around the place this morning, there’s some talk it might be …

by Dave

Winter X Real Snow Entries

The entries for Winter X Real Snow are out and pretty damn impressive. Jeremy Jones, JP Walker, Seth Huot, Nick Sauve, Dan Brisse, Louis-Felix Paradis, Simon Chamberlain and Joe Sexton all have parts mixed together by some of the nest film makers in snowboarding such as Pierre Minhondo and …

by Dave

Matix Team In Spain

The Matix team took a trip to Spain a while back and here’s some rad footage from the trip. The clip features Flo Mirtain, Danny Brady, Ricardo Paterno, Vivien Feil and the always impressive, Torey Pudwill. Check it out!

by Dave

TK Films A Few Tricks At Fantasy Factory

Terry Kennedy hit up Fantasy Factory to have a roll and film a few tricks the other day. Here’s the clip – Enjoy!

by Dave

Daewon Song Full Part At The Berrics

I’m not entirely sure what I can say about this except faaaarrrrrrkkkkk… The Berrics have put together a full part from Daewon Song. It’s available for download right now – only costs US99c and it is pretty incredible. They were running the promo video the other week (check it out below). Go …

by Dave

DC’s Mystery Team Member

DC are adding a new team member – they’re keeping quiet on who it is at the moment, just releasing the below clips of Dyrdek, Miller and Kalis talking about the new guy… I’m not confident enough to say I’ve solved it but I did come across the above two images in the comments on this article indicating it …

by Dave

New Nike SB Site Up And ‘Around The World’ Clip

Nike SB have got their new site up and looking the goods! Check it out over here but before you …

by Dave

Nokia x Burton: Push Snowboarding

ESPN have posted an article about a project Nokia and Burton are working together on. It is a phone controlled kit for snowboarding that measures the “snowboard’s orientation, downward pressure exerted by the rider, heart rate and Galvanic skin response.” The five different sensors will be able to give …

by Dave

Courtney Chircop For Issue Seventeen

In the last issue of the magazine (issue 17) we had the gorgeous Courtney Chircop on page 18 sporting some of the new DC apparel. Here’s a few more photos from the shoot. Enjoy!

by Dave