Started in 2005, Pop Magazine published a free quarterly magazine focusing on Australian snowboarding, skateboarding and surfing. Pop grew to produce a feature length snowboard movie, an industry leading website for daily news, web-casts and digital versions of the magazines as well as premiere events and consultancy. Ten years later, …

How To Start A Magazine: Lessons from 10 Years of Pop Magazine
In 2005 Dave Keating and I, Rick Baker, set out to create a free press surf, skate and snowboarding magazine. 10 years later, we’re closing the ‘doors’. The whole endeavor was always about capturing the creativity and excitement that surfing, skateboarding and snowboarding gave us and from that, building a …

2015 Dirksen Derby
I’d been hearing about how fun Josh Dirksen’s charity banked slalom event at Mt Bachelor was for a couple years. And with all the hype surrounding El Niño I figured this season would be the one to go all in on. So after a few seasons of forgoing snow in …

Asher Pacey ‘Off The Well Worn Path’ With Desillusion
This clip is either an epic way to start the day, or a terrible one, depending on how you think about it… I have to say, my day is less like Asher Pacey’s and much more like this. But the clip itself is pretty inspiring to get out and do …

Koston Features In Apple Watch Ad
I spotted this over on Ride Channel the other day – the latest Apple Watch ad, called Berlin, features none other than Eric Koston in the background of a scene. Check the 22 second mark in the clip above… I’m doing my best to suss out how/why at the moment. …

Mick Fanning Fights Off Shark And Has To Share Prize Money
As you will have seen on any number of more reputable media outlets this morning, the World Surf League improved the watchability of their web cast immensely by adding sharks to the mix for the finals… Kudos to management on the out-of-the-box thinking. If anything was going to bring in the viewers, …

Trailer 2 For #aDetroitFilm
Here’s the second trailer for A Detroit Film (check the first trailer out here). This adds a little more context to the use of the city wastelands in telling a positive story – about the start, not the end. But also providing a pretty spectacular backdrop for the people featured in the …

#ADetroitFilm Trailer
This isn’t strictly a skateboard film but it does look good and there’s glimpses of a board in there. Created by Jordan Garland, the film aims to highlight the positives going on in a city that looks in decline. He partnered with artists, skaters and BMXers to tell a different story …

Diaries Downunder Is Back For 2015
Diaries Downunder is back and looking better than ever – Nick Hyne, Nick Brown and Mahi Mains go deep into the Southern Alps and to Cecil Peak before hot-tubbing together on top of the mountain. The new title sequence looks awesome and the music is rad. Great way to start the …

2015 Cattlemans Rail Jam Results And Photos
If you woke up Saturday morning, looked out the window and thought that a new ice age might be approaching, you’d also realise that it had to be Burton Cattlemans Rail Jam weekend… It’s the only kinda weather this event happens in. Jye Kearney took out the win for a fourth …

Street League’s Stop 1 – LA Results
Street League Stop 1 for 2015 (excluding the Pro Open) went down over the weekend in L.A. and for once, there was a surprise ending. Luan Oliveria came through with the goods and took out the stop on the last trick – a switch front bigspin heelflip. There’s a full …

Quiksilver: Bankruptcy Or Restructuring Within 9 Months?
Investor Jeremy Raper: Raper Capital has written an indepth piece on the likely outcomes for Quiksilver based on the most recent earnings call. Gazing through his well-researched-crystal-ball, things aren’t looking so good. If you’re interested, you really need to read the whole thing. This is the first analysis I’ve read …

Jake Burton Recovering From Serious Illness
Jake Burton is recovering from a serious illness diagnosed right after the Burton Open back in March. He suffered from Miller Fisher Syndrome which is apparently a varient of Guillan-Barre Syndrome. Burton spent nearly two months on full life support – his case of the disease was serious enough to cause temporary paralysis of …

Someone Get Terje On The Line… Skateboarding Needs Him!
Skateboarding (in some form) is shortlisted to become a part of the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo. Already, internet commenters are shrieking about how it’s an “art form” and shouldn’t be called a sport… Whatever. In the end, this is going to happen. Snowboarding is a ratings juggernaut for the Winter …

Odd Folks’ Pre Peri Peri Chicken
Jeremy Saunders shot through this edit for Odd Folks featuring Rocco Rachiele, Josh Vagne, Jordy Crockford, Bryan Bowler, Troy Sturrock, Joel Cuntle and Jye Kearney. The guys are having a few runs in the Perisher park on some pretty nice looking days. Check it out.

Grindhouse’s Afterlife Teaser
Here’s the teaser for U.K. outfit Grindhouse’s new film, Afterlife. It features Andy Nudds, Janne Lipsanen, Antti Jussila, Jonny Pickup, Zakke, Petrus Koskinen, Jamie Nicholls & Nik Länsiö. To be honest, I’ve only ever vaguely been aware of Grindhouse but this definitely got me to sit up and take notice – looks like …

Manboys Spring Edit
The Manboys have released a spring edit where they hit a few events, muck around a bit and hit a massive spine (which I might be wrong but I’m pretty sure was built by Charles Beckinsale – see his Insta below). Spine 30ft tall 65ft long, next time I build …

Mike Blabac Interviewed For Red Bulletin
When doing one of the early issues of the print magazine, I remember my first photographer fan-out being when we got to work with Mike Blabac on getting shots together for a piece on one of the DC team at the time. It was rad because we’d been looking at his photos for years …

10 Years Of Cattlemans History
Check this clip out… If you can tear your eyes away from Chunk’s glorious beard for a minute and pay attention to what’s being said, you’ll be getting a history lesson on the Cattlemans event. A decade of memories – from Robbie Walker’s three year winning streak to some of …

Quiksilver Pulls Guidance, Shares Tank
One of the first earnings calls for new Quiksilver CEO, Pierre Agnes, has been a tough one. “Logistics issues” have caused a drop in earnings, a larger loss per share than anticipated and a move to pull their outlook for the year. Agnes said that they are “still working on execution …

10 Years Of Cattlemans This July
Happening on July 11th will be the tenth Cattlemans Rail Jam event – there’s $10k up for grabs and the contest will follow the same format as the last few years with qualification on the replica rail during the day followed by the event at about 6pm that night, Kooroora after. There’s a …

Snowboard Big Air Added To 2018 Olympics
Photo: Nick Hamilton for Transworld. Yuki Kadono at Air and Style in LA, 2015 The IOC has announced four new events at the Pyeongchang 2018 Winter Olympics, including the addition of Big Air to the snowboard list. This is, however, taking the spot of the snowboard parallel slalom… I’m feeling …

Kyneee Snowboards – Just One Trick
Kyneee Snowboards has got $500 up for grabs – all you need to do is upload your best trick to Instagram with the hashtag #justonetrick and you’re in the running. See all the deets below. ### Official Word From Kyneee Kyneee is all about giving back to snowboarders and exposing …

Blueprint’s All In Ender
Here’s the big ender part for series two of Pat Moore’s awesome Blueprint series. This one features a recut from all the season’s clips and stars all the talent – Pat Moore, Jeremy Jones, Jake Welch, Bryan Iguchi, Ben Ferguson and more. Something to keep you hanging for (fingers crossed) a …

Travis Rice Getting The Shots
GoPro took a bunch of crew out heliboarding in the BC backcountry as a goodbye to the 14/15 season and captured this pretty damn epic footage… If this doesn’t get you hyped for the next T-Rice film, nothing will.

New Balance’s Sunland Clip
Here’s a rad clip from New Balance featuring Arto Saari, Tom Knox, Jordan Taylor, Tyler Surrey, Jordan Trahan, PJ Ladd, Marquise Henry, Jack Curtin, Levi Brown and Tom Karangelov. The clip was filmed and edited by Russell Houghten. Via Skatedaily.

Chapter 4.2 Of ‘This Just Happened’
Here’s the latest ‘This Just Happened’ featuring Halldor Helgason, Eiki Helgason, Felix Engström, Sven thorgren, Kevin Bäckström, Tor Lundström, and Ulrik Badertscher. The guys are riding in Kläppen, Sweden. Enjoy! Via Transworld.

Snow Craft Generations – Full Movie
Lukas and Jesse Huffman have released the full film of Snow Craft Generations. The film covers the early days of snowboarding with the founders of companies like Winterstick, Gnu and LibTech. The old footage and hearing the stories about the hard times getting the businesses to work are awesome to …

ETT Goes Behind The Scenes Of John J’s New Board
I think this might be the best ETT to date as it delves a little deeper into the process of making a board for a pro. John Jackson sketched out what he was after for the team in the factory who got into some real detail with it and tested …

Blueprint’s Alaskan Ender
Pat Moore takes one last trip to Alaska for the season with Ben Ferguson and John Jackson in the latest Blueprint. We get a good look at Ferguson’s awesome style and the guys have a few rad days out there. Another great ep!

Street League 2015 Stop 1 – Barcelona
Image via Transworld Skate. If you want to save a little time, you can pretty much pull up any of the previous posts on Street League for the results here… You guessed it, Nyjah Huston wins again. It was a close call with P-Rod coming in just behind followed by …

Sexual Snowboarding’s Chapter 4.1
There’s not a whole lot to say about this one – some nice slow mo action over a jump followed by something more chaotic… and painful. But fun. Enjoy! Via Transworld Snowboarding.

Surfstitch Buys Stab Magazine
Surfstitch completed a deal over the last week which sees it purchase a business called Magicseaweed along with none-other-than Sydney based surf mag, Stab. All up the acquisitions cost the company AU$13.8 million plus 4.8 million shares but no split was gives on who got what from the deal. In …

Shaun Palmer “The Miserable Champion”
Image via ESPN. The documentary, Shaun Palmer “The Miserable Champion”, is available now to grab through Vimeo on Demand. It tells the story of Palmer who excelled at quite a few sports but most notably snowboarding. This actually looks pretty awesome, definitely one to watch. Check the trailer above then grab it …

Fun With Fraud In Surf Clothing
Image from Simon Birch On Monday it was reported that Conan Hayes, founder of RVCA, was arrested for fraud relating to the sale of his house just after the sale of RVCA to Billabong for $7.5 million. He is accused of taking advantage of a program offered by mortgage lenders to assist homeowners …