Photo: Chris Wellhausen via Transworld The Burton U.S. Open went down last weekend and saw Taku Hiraoka go big and take the win. His run included a front 5 frontside grab, back 9 mute, front double 10 stale, cab double 10 mute to front 1260 tail and scored 90.99 knocking Ayumu Hirano …

Sexual Snowboarding – This Just Happened Part 2
Sexual Snowboarding have just released part two of ‘This Just Happened’. Featuring Eiki Helgason, Halldor Helgason, Felix Engström, Gulli Gudmundsson, Nils Arvidsson and Måns Hedberg, it’s a mix of Euro weirdness and awesome riding. Check it out.

Snowboarders Testing Tow In Options
There’s a lot of jokes around about snowboarders coming from money… Maybe that’s just an Australian thing, but some videos I’ve come across this week are not helping the stereotype. On Monday I came across a clip of a snowboarder getting towed by a private plane. Check that one out above. …

XGames Real Snow Parts Drop
We’ve heard a bit about the up-coming Real Snow parts through Blueprint but now they’ve all dropped. I’ve posted them all inline to save you from having to deal with the shitty XGames website. The parts are all pretty damn amazing in their own way – Seb Toots is an amazing …

Jake Welch In Salt Lake For Blueprint
This episode focusses on Pat Moore, Jeremy Jones and Jake Welch riding the streets of Salt Lake on features that have only become possible using winches. The guys talk mostly about Welch’s approach to his career to date and riding big features – it’s pretty interesting. As always, nicely shot and edited …

Yuki Kadono Wins Air And Style LA
Yuki Kadono has won the inaugural Air and Style in L.A. This is the first major change to the event since Shaun White took ownership of the company in January 2014. The event included a music festival over multiple stages right next to the 160 foot high jump. His own band, …

Pirate Logs Ep. 2 – Canadian Streets
The Pirate Movie crew have released episode two of the Pirate Logs this time featuring Kalle Ohlson, Wojtek Pawlusiak and Gigi Rüf. The guys are riding across Canada searching for snow and getting some great street spots. I’m really enjoying these!

The Underline Series With Anto Chamberland
DC Shoes have released the new Underline Series part, this time featuring Anto Chamberland. Anto had a standout part in 2014’s Shred Bots: The Movie – a lot of the footage in here is a recut of that part but it’s still definitely worth a shot. Some big, ballsy hits in …

Snowboarding Urban Pillow Lines in Japan With Gigi
Pirate Movies have been recutting Perceptions for Red Bull and they have put together this rad little section with Gigi Rüf and Elias Elhardt in Japan. There’s the story behind that pyramid shot you will have seen, a rad back country section and a neat bit of riding on the snow covered …

The Underline Series With Torstein Horgmo
This was posted online a couple of weeks back but I’ve only just come across it. DC have put out a series of clips called The Underline Series. Volume five features the best bits of Torstein Horgmo’s 2014 year. It’s some good watching.

Pat Moore’s Blueprint: Without A Doubt
Pat Moore dropped the next episode of the new season of Blueprint yesterday and this time we follow Jeremy Jones shooting in Salt Lake for his Real Street part. I’m not going to say too much other than this is a rad watch and well worth checking out.

2015 Burton European Open Pipe Results
I’m late on this but the Burton European Open went down last weekend. You can check out the highlights from the halfpipe above which saw Iouri Podladtchikov, Ayumu Hirano and David Habluetzel standing on the podium. The womens win was taken by Kelly Clarke (some big hits in her run), Chloe Kim …

Whistler Straight Parkin’ Clip
You might have caught the link in the Shoutbox but here it is again – Jonny Cass went filming with Blake Dickson and Dan Kneubuhler in the park at Whistler. This is the first time we get to see our buddies at Kyneee Snowboards dropping their logo onto the front of …

TransWorld SNOWboarding’s 16th Annual Riders’ Poll Results
Photo: Maboys taking the win. By Chris Wellhausen via TW Snow TW Snow’s Riders Poll went down on Friday night with some predictable, and some surprise winners. Manboys got the best web series prize against some heavy competition including Burton’s Presents series, Rome’s FIND and Adidas’ Nomad clips… Personally, while …

Pack It Up. Apparently Snowboarding Is Over.
Image via the Google. SBS (of all places) is reporting that snowboarding has lost its cool. “Participation in the sport dropped 28 per cent from 2003-2013” with “snowboarders making up just under 28 per cent of visitors to US resorts, down from about 31 per cent the year before” and …

The Biggest Team Announcement No One Is Talking About
So, this kind of came up yesterday – Jeremy Jones is off the Burton team… But you wouldn’t know it if you were to check sites like Snowboarder and Transworld – they have both posted Pat Moore’s Blueprint clip where it is spoken about, but neither site has bothered to mention it in …

Blueprint’s New Episode Drops a Bombshell
Here’s Pat Moore’s first episode for Blueprint season two and today I learned some things… Like the fact that Burton dropped Jeremy Jones from the team. Let me repeat that, Jeremy Jones no longer rides for Burton. Check the team page for yourself. I’m not even sure what to say …

X Games 2015 Aspen Wrap
X Games in Aspen finished up over the weekend with some impressive results. Here’s the overview and you can peep the highlights and winning runs below. As mentioned back here, Danny Davis took out the pipe contest beating Taku Hiraoka (silver), and Ioui Podladchikov (bronze). Shaun White was back in after …

Danny Davis Wins X Games Aspen Pipe
Danny Davis has used his final run to take the win in the pipe at X Games Aspen. Shaun White, who returned after a 2 year hiatus, managed a fourth getting pushed off the podium by Davis’ run. Second went to Taku Hiraoka and third to Sochi gold medalist, Iouri Podladtchikov. Davis’s …

Shaun White At X Games Aspen
Shaun White will be dropping into the pipe at X Games today in Aspen. It’s the first time in a couple of years he has competed at the ESPN event having previously been a fixture for many years. He first competed in the tour at age 13 in the year …

Signal’s Breakfast Board
Signal’s latest ETT is another board that contains tech which will never reach production. But being that I love breakfast, it’s still worth a post. The guys embed a heating element in the board to cook on. Then cook and ride. Sorry… Spoiler alert.

Sage Kotsenburg’s 2014 Season Recap
Here’s a neat little clip covering Sage Kotsenburg’s pretty epic 12 months of last year. Aside from appearing in nearly every edit that dropped, he won a gold medal at Sochi and stood on a boat load of other podiums. How’s he going to top it in 2015?

Absinthe Crew At Brighton
The Absinthe guys have cut a few laps at Brighton Resort and loaded the clip up for our viewing pleasure. Featuring Cale Zima, Keegan Valaika, Nate Bozung, Lizard King, Bode Merrill, Brandon Cocard and Austen Sweetin. It looks like a tonne of fun was had.

Scotty James Wins FIS Pipe Championship
Image via Red Bull. Scotty James has taken out the FIS World Halfpipe Championships over the weekend. He only needed his first run where he nailed a 91.5 pointer that was never in danger. His second run was down the deck hi-5’ing the spectators. The event was being held in …

“The Search- Stepping Stones” Trailer From Rip Curl
Rip Curl has released a trailer for their new snowboard film, Stepping Stones. The film feature Victor De Le Rue, Nils Arvidsson, Wiley Tesseo and Emilien Badoux hitting the backcountry in British Columbia, Alaska and Chamonix. The film is due for release in February. The trailer isn’t bad – definitely has a …

Signal Crosses Skate And Snow
Signal have worked with a skate company to blend board creation techniques and create a snowboard and a skateboard… Then mounting trucks to that snowboard and hitting the Mega Ramp. The nervousness on the guy dropping in on that thing is understandable. Check it.

XON Connected Bindings Launch At CES
CES for 2015 is happening at the moment and one little snow innovation has popped up in the coverage. XON Snow-1 is a Japanese based company that has developed bindings with a set of sensors which can tell you about your weight distribution and flex through the board. The data …

Manboys Photobalm
This clip is way old (well, two weeks anyway) but I’m just assuming everyone has been doing the outside thing over the Christmas break and have been away from the internet. This is the last Manboys ep for 2014 besides the individual edits. The write up is great, “Several main …

Iouri Podlatchikov’s TEDx Talk
Iouri Podlatchikov (or IPod) has given a TEDx talk on why winning isn’t everything, but the want to win is. The basic premise is that if you find happiness or satisfaction from running at a challenge, that is more important than actually scoring the win. Which is a really good …

Dew Tour Breck Results
Video: Chas Guldemond’s winning run The Breckenridge Dew Tour happened last week with the finals going down on the weekend. Australian Scotty James scored third spot on the podium for pipe with a pretty stylish run. He was beaten by Taylor Gold and Yiwei Zhang, both of whom put down pretty epic …

‘Where Is Your God Now’ With Terje Haakonsen
This was an awesome surprise in my inbox this morning. Desillusion Mag has done one of their awesome clips with Terje Haakonsen. Called ‘Where Is Your God Now’, the guys have a road trip around Norway while discussing life, history and legacy. Beautifully shot and edited, this is one not to …

Shred Bots Dex Carrington Producer Cut
This is something I came across yesterday – it was posted months ago but it’s worth a post now for anyone that hasn’t seen it. This is Dex Carrington’s Producers Cut – for more, check out the official Shred Bots YouTube channel.

Manboys ‘Farewell Horses’
The latest Manboys is out featuring Chris Rasman, Matt Belzile, Mark Sollors and Rusty Ockenden. The guys are out on the sleds and having difficulties. This is both the most serious episode to date, and also probably the most epic. Enjoy.

NoToBo Full Film
Here’s the full NoToBo film and it is good. An insane mix of gnarly spots, weird tricks, big tricks, tiny tricks, funny tricks and just Euro madness. So, so Euro in parts. It features Eiki Helgason, Halldor Helgason, Ethan Morgan, Gulli Gudmundsson, Sage Kotsenburg, Kareem El Rafie, Leo Crawford and Felix Engstrom. Definitely …