August 5, 2007

Danny Way in Las Vegas Spectacular!

As Danny stands on his broken ankle and prepares for this historic jump, he takes a moment to consider escaping the clutches of DC management before he’s forced into something life threatening… “Wait a second! I have to jump the what now!?”

So, I read in the L.A Times that Danny Way has a new project in mind. Most of you probably know that he has recently had a knee reconstruction and that is the reason for him missing X-Games 13 but what you probably didn’t know is that he has plans to set up a mega-mega ramp that will allow him to jump the fountains at Las Vegas’ Caesars Palace. According to the article, if he makes it, he will be the first person to clear the fountains on a non-motorized vehicle. And, hard as I might try, I am unable to come up with a smooth link in for this – So, if you want to hear Burt and Ernie re-enact a scene from Martin Scorsese’s masterpiece, Casino – click here.

by Dave